Saturday, February 20, 2010


I feel that blogs can be a great aspect in the classroom. They allow the students to publish their original work and can be viewed by a large audience. Blogs can be used for daily or weekly journals for the students, especially in Language Arts. They can also be used to reflect on daily lessons, books they just read, or what they learned that week. The teacher is still able to grade the work and it's easy to access. Students are also able to view each others work and leave encouraging comments. They only precaution the teacher might have to take is being aware of the dangers of the lack of privacy and knowing how to prevent students from being inappropriate or rude to others. Blogging is also a good outlet for those students who are introverted.


I personally feel that Wikis are a great asset to the classroom. It encourages the students to work together on a subject and create their own Wiki page. I think it would be encouraging to them to see their own webpage displayed on the internet where anyone could see. Wikis can guide the students in researching a topic and gaining knowledge that is beneficial to them. They allow the students to collaboratively work together to create a class project. It can be accessed at anytime and can also be used as a classroom webpage. The teacher can also use it as a "filing cabinet" to store important information.